Ready for some Football! Midnight Madness!
Great turnout this evening for Plains FCA at the youth center. Thanks to all who helped and volunteered. #plainsproud
All school offices will be closed on Monday, August 8th and Tuesday, August 9th for district wide training. There will be no one answering phones or doors on those days. If you need help with student registration or student schedules, please call or come by starting Wednesday, August 10th from 8:30 am - 4:00 pm.
Big day for Cowgirl Volleyball tomorrow. First Scrimmage in Lubbock vs Kingdom Prep at 1pm! Time to get to work! #plainsproud
New Teacher orientation today. Great group of teachers to join the Plains ISD family! #plainsproud
5:30 PM Meet the Teacher
7 pm Meet the Cowboys and Cowgirls
Midnight Madness 2022!
Come support our Cowboys this Friday! Fans can start arriving around 11:50pm at Cowboys Stadium.
Our Cafeteria staff was at Region 17 for their summer workshop! Learning to better serve our students. #plainsproud
A little over two weeks and summer break will be over! Time to get get haircuts to look stylish for school. Just a reminder about student's hair should be of natural color.
Plains Band: 8-12 Band, will have a band parent meeting this Thursday from 6:00 - 7:00 PM in the Auditorium.
The 2022-23 First Year Teaching Academy had its first meeting today! Mr Gonzales and Mr Garcia will participate this year’s cohort of teachers at Region 17. They received a wealth of helpful information and activities to get their year started off right! #plainsproud
Plains Student Council is looking forward to the upcoming school year. Our officers for the upcoming school year:
Pres- Kate
VP- Kiley B.
Reporter- Melissa
Secretary​- Reagan G.
Treasurer- Rocky
Historian- Baltazar
A reminder for all incoming 9th -12th grade students that plan on participating in extracurricular or drive on campus, the must drug test. Drug testing on campus will be from noon-3 pm in Arena today. If you can not make it then call front office on how to make it up.
If your child plans on driving, please register their vehicle on the the google form.
All 9th-12th grade athletes and FCA members are invited to the Youth Center this Friday, August 5th from 5:00-7:00pm, before the rodeo, for food, fun, and fellowship. Come hang out with us as we get ready for the new school year! If any questions, please contact Coach Bunton.
Congratulations to 2022 Plains graduate, Enrique Tarango, he is receiving the $1500 per semester UIL TILF scholarship! He was selected among all UIL State Academic participates to receive the scholarship! Congratulations! #plainsproud
Reminder Friday July 29th in Auditorium
•XC parent meeting at 4:30
•Football parent meeting at 5:00
•Volleyball parent meeting at 5:30
All 8th-12th grade band members report tomorrow from 1:00 - 4:00 PM for Uniform Checkout.
Parent Meeting Schedule
Friday, July 29, 2022
Cross Country - 4:30 pm
Football - 5:00 pm
Volleyball - 5:30 pm
All meeting in the auditorium
Friday, July 29, 2022
Equipment pick up 12 pm - 3 pm
Football at football locker room
Volleyball at the arena
Plains Registration @ School MPR room
New student registration
August 1st 8:30 am -4:00 pm
Returning Student Registration
August 5th 8:30 am -4 pm
Parents must complete both online registration and a separate paper packet at registration.
You can start your online registration @