Picture day Tuesday Sept 21st. Order forms will be sent home or order online.
Picture Day ID: EVTGJ2BGV
On Monday, 20 September 2021, at 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria .
Mrs. Minall will have a parent meeting about the Eastern Seaboard educational trip scheduled for end of May 2022 for anyone that is interested in attending.
Senior Kaitlyn Ward had the honor to show around two alumni’s around today. Mrs Carolyn Culwell and Mr. Ray Faught. Proud of our school #plainsproud #100graduation #studentleadership
State Trooper Officer Robles presented to our 9th graders on how to work with Peace Officers today. Thank you Officer Robles! #plainsproud
Mrs Mendez and Mrs. Prado attended the Region 17 College Gameday! Exploring opportunities available for our PK-12 students after high school. #plainsproud #alwayslearning
Mrs Mendez and Mrs. Prado attended the Region 17 College Gameday! Exploring opportunities available for our PK-12 students after high school. #plainsproud #alwayslearning
Cowgirls beat Post tonight!
28-30; 28-26; 26-24; 27-25
Way to go Cowgirls!
Cowgirls Sub-Varsity volleyball results tonight against Post:
JH B Team falls 0-2.
8th wins 2-0.
7th wins 2-0
JV 2 wins 2-0
JV 1 falls 1-2.
Game Times for Volleyball @ Post on 9/14/21
JH B 3:45
8th 4:30 PM
7th 5:30 PM
JV2 4:30 PM
JV1 5:30 PM
V 6:30 PM
All JH Games in HS Gym
HS Games in Arena
JV Cowgirls Volleyball defeat Aspermont 2-0! Great job girls!
Great job to our Cross Country team. Lots of Personal Best set today! #plainsproud
Game day ready! Beat New Home! 7pm start time
There will be only one JV volleyball game tomorrow against Aspermont JV1 will play at 11am and Varsity at 12 pm. We apologize but it is beyond our control.
Remembrance ceremony for 9-11. #plainproud
Here are athletic schedules for week of Sep. 13.
This morning our football and cheerleaders put out flags in remembrance of 9-11. #plainsproud
Great job! Our JH football team displayed Plains Pride today!
JH Athletes of the week!
Best dressed 50s theme
JH Pep Rally beat New Home!