Plains Elementary Character Student of the Week for Organization is 1st grader Olivia Lopez! The Library Student of the Week is 1st grader Cazlyn Cleveland! Great job to these young ladies! We are #PLAINSPROUD of you!!
FCA is asking you to join them in prayer at 7:30 am at the football field Thursday for Dalhart student Yahir. They will be also collecting donations for funeral expenses during 1st period.
Homecoming Week dress up days. With the tragic event that happen last week, The student council and FCA have requested we wear purple on Thursday in support of the Dalhart student. We have moved the set Jersey day to Wednesday. #plainsproud #dalhartisd
Congratulations to Mrs Bunton! She was awarded the Patron of the Arts Award at the Watermelon Round-Up Art Show + $1,000 for the art program! Mrs. Bunton “I have such talented students. I am pleased to showcase their artwork. They did very well at the art show.  Kudos to my students!!🖤⭐️
(I don’t even have to buy a mum this year, my award will be my mum!)”
Volleyball Update: Cowgirls fall to Lubbock Christian 21-25, 25-14, 23-25, 25-27. Great job on a hard fought game. #Plains Proud
Volleyball update: JV Volleyball defeats Lubbock Christian 25-16, 25-20. #Plains Proud
Get you pink our shirts!
Sales in 9/18.
It’s game time!! Cowboys vs Hale Center Owls @ Hale Center: 7pm!!!
8th Grade Student of the Month
Congratulations Sofia Madrid!
7th Grade Student of the Month
Congratulations Chloa Bearden!
6th Grade Student of the Month
Congratulations Lilly Reynolds!
5th Grade Student of the Month
Congratulations Gus Kaiser!
Congratulations to our HS student of the month, Kylee Cross!
Kylee Cross is the Plains High School Student of the Month for August. She is the senior daughter of Scott and Holly Cross. Kylee is involved in National Honor Society, One Act Play, and band, where she serves as the assistant drum major. Kylee enjoys art, music, and science, and her hobbies are skateboarding, hanging with her friends, video games, painting, and binging anime. Kylee’s future plans are to go to SPC for her basics. Afterwards, she plans to go flight school and become a pilot.
One teacher said of Kylee- “Kylee is a smart, talented student who deserves recognition for her hard work and contributions to PHS.”
Congratulations, Kylee. We are proud of your accomplishments!
Come see our Artist! Watermelon round up art show. Saturday Plains state bank event center. 9AM to 4PM.
Zachary, Alan, Klaire, and Gael received the Jay Harris Scholarship from South Plains College. The scholarship will cover all tuition cost associated with taking US History dual credit courses this school year.
Want your business or student in the football program, Contact Jasmine Prado,
September Breakfast and Lunch menus
Congratulations to our 2022 Plains HS Homecoming Court
Senior Class Candidates:
Isabell Posadas
Mallory Bunch
Serenity Valdez
Madison Alvarado
Junior Class Duchess:
Analysa Gomez
Sophomore Class Duchess:
Lily Davis
Freshmen Class Duchess:
Sarissa Vargas
Bonfire Wed Sept 7th at 8 pm. Football Game Friday Sept 9th vs Lockney @ 7pm
Congratulations to our 2022 Plains HS Homecoming Queen Candidates
Senior Class Candidates:
Isabell Posadas
Mallory Bunch
Serenity Valdez
Madison Alvarado
Get a chance to be a couch potato for next week game! Student will be selling tickets staring Friday!